In Other Words
I am a lover of words. I was raised in a household that visited libraries, listened to audio-books on road trips, and played boggle at the kitchen table at least once a week. No wonder that I became an English teacher. And I've now read two books recently that fascinated me as a logophile. The first was The Professor and the Madman by Simon Winchester. This reading was inspired by watching the 2019 film of the same name, starring Sean Penn and Mel Gibson. I watched the movie with my aunt when I visited her home in Washington this summer. The movie was fascinating and when I saw that it was based on a true story and there was a book, I knew I had to read it. I listened to the audiobook in this case. This nonfiction book delves into the history behind the making of the Oxford English Dictionary in the latter half of the 19th century. Winchester documents the stories of William Chester Minor, a retired US Army Surgeon who was imprisoned at Broadmoor Lunatic Asylum after murdering a ma